There’s a New Nurse in Town

Met with the neurologist today. MS is not a curable thing, but can be (hopefully) controlled. The treatment is shots. No pill has been developed yet, although there are clinical trials going on to produce it. There are basically two types of shots. Interferon and a synthetic compound. There are differences between the two treatments, and different side effects. The synthetic compound seems to have less side effects than the others, so Betsy has decided top go with that. It’s a daily shot and comes pre filled. It also has an AutoJect device that looks like a light saber from Star Wars.

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Back home again

Taking care of posting and writing is not an easy task while at home. There are so many things that need to be taken care of when I return from the desert, that it just takes up too much time.

My goal is to try to write something at least once a week, but so far, it’s just a little bit hard to do. I’ll make a concerted effort to find something to blog about this week and post it.

As the Brit’s I work with say…




Sitting at the airport waiting….

Leaving Oman today and was scheduled out of the camp on the noon flight. My home leaves at 11:55 pm. That’s a long time to wait in an airport.

Oh well, I have my Kindle, my iPod, and charged up batteries. Oh.. I have my computer too, so I have ways to keep occupied.

Life it good! All the time!