Wow… Brain Farts….


Sometimes I wonder about the wisdom of others. I’m sitting in a class for advanced Iconics users, and still havn’t been impressed. The majority of the class (two days worth) has been over what I have known and used for some time now. I’ve been fighting to stay awake. The kick in the ass about this whole class it that I don’t have access rights to load the software necessary to participate in this class….

And the I.T. department really doesn’t think that I need it??!!??

Come on guys… this is just a little bit important…..


Sometimes I wonder about the wisdom of others. I’m sitting in a class for advanced Iconics users, and still havn’t been impressed. The majority of the class (two days worth) has been over what I have known and used for some time now. I’ve been fighting to stay awake. The kick in the ass about this whole class it that I don’t have access rights to load the software necessary to participate in this class….

And the I.T. department really doesn’t think that I need it??!!??

Come on guys… this is just a little bit important…..

This evening should be fun…. Traveling to Huntsville to take Austin his car…. Insurance on him is expensive… but not as bad as it was.

I was about to fill out the transfer form and fill it out… but I didn’t have the complete information required. Have to do it later, when I get home.

My baby is working late tonight (yes….She got a job!)… so I will have to get my stuff together when I get home and go by her work on the way out of town and have her follow. Maybe we can grab dinner on the way home. That would be nice.

Went to Cinco de Country! Trace Adkins, Tracy Lawrence, Jack Ingram, Joe Nicoles… and one more…. It was a total kick in the ass to be there. Six hours of concert, loud music, drum thumpin’ music! Total blast!

About to be done in this class for the day… will probably write more tomorrow… Using this as an aid to staying awake.

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