It’s long past time…

Well, it’s been long overdue. I havn’t made a comment here in months?? Or maybe longer. There’s a new version of Movable Type available, and I’m not sure if I should upgrade or not. Any thought?

Anyway, on to the daily bull…

The daily bull…

I’ve ended up on an assignment for my company in Oman. Yes, it’s in the Middle East. I spent 2 and a half months over here on the first rotation, and now back on my second rotation. The work is in the oil patch again, which is good, as oil is up to $145 a barrel. They can afford me. There’s not much to do in the desert here at night, so I spend time doing a lot of nothing.

My first rotation was filled with 18 to 20 hour days of work and very little sleep, which was ok as the camp we were staying at, had no phones, no TV and no internet connection. So work was all we had. This rotation is a bit different. We have a TV with cable in the room, internet connection and a kick ass air conditioner that will freeze you in the middle of the night.

The food is an experience that is difficult to describe. While staying the the Douglas camp last rotation, the food was prepaired by our Indian kitchen staff. Although most of the offerings were un-identifyable, they weren’t too bad. Watch out for the bones in the mutton…. The Oxy mess, on the other hand, catered more to the english taste. By that I mean, English as in U.K. and American. They did cater to the Omani and Indian tastes as well, but not quite the total curry limit as with the Douglas camp. For the 4th of July (usually an American celebration, unless the English celebrate getting rid of the brats), we had camel, pit cooked. Build a big pit, line it with rocks, build a bonfire in the pit, let it heat the rocks, remove the bonfire, throw in the meat, cover with dirt, several hours later, you have cooked camel. Stick with the salad….

I need ot create a photo blog somewhere, so that I can put up some of the pictures that I take while on this assignment, but just not sure where. I have some loaded at I hope to get more posted in the near future. I also want to pick up a camera while I’m back on my leave in the states.

Ok… Back to work for me…

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