Saturday night!

Saturday night!

Its the same as most any other night of the week here in the desert, but there is a difference. At home, it’s Saturday morning and consequently, the weekend!

I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned this before, but in the Arabic countries, Saturday is the beginning of the week. It would be our Monday, so to speak. It makes locations like ours in Mukhaizna, difficult to conduct business at times, as there are only about 3 days out of the week that you can actually do anything. Say you have this task to do, like programming something to work the way it needs to work. You contact the boss in the office on Wednesday afternoon. He really doesn’t know what to tell you and says he needs to contact the vendor in the states to consult with them. Maybe he calls, maybe he gets tied up. At any rate he doesn’t hear back from the vendor that day. Then it’s the weekend and he’s off for a little holiday in the mountains with the family. He comes back on Saturday, and has a message from the vendor. More questions raised by the response than answered. Has to get in contact with them for clearification. What day was it? Oh yeah, Saturday. No one at the vendors office till Monday. So from Monday to Wednesday is about the only time you can get answers to questions about anything.

Of course, this 4 days could be a blessing. Do what you need to do and don’t worry about checking with anyone. By the time they find out, you’ve finished and your on your way to the next task.

Besides, it’s easier to ask for forgiveness than ask for permission.