I might have found my blogging app…

I’ve tried to search for a blogging app for the desktop before, but not found what I’ve been looking for.

Now I looks like I might have stumbled upon a blogging package, and as much as I hate to say it. It’s Windows Live Writer.

I know what you’re thinking.

You’re saying to yourself, ‘Bill, didn’t you know about this before now?’.

Frankly, no. Like I said, I searched before.  Found nothing.  Now I have.  Going to test it out a little as there is one bit of stuff I’d like to see in a desktop blogger.

I want to be able to split my entry into an intro and a longer posting.  I could be beneficial for longer posts..

This one does it. 

There are others that I’ve run across as well.

Windows Live Writer has some advantages that I see right off.

It’s pretty much WYSIWYG, which is a plus.  It looks as though you can change the font size and type.  Not sure how it will be displayed on my site though.

Just tried to copy and paste within the edit window and that works.  If I had a picture of myself, I’d post that to see how it does, but the room I’m in is much too small. So here is one of my dog.

There are other things that are available with this package, some of which I’ll have to check as I have time, but for now, it looks pretty good.

So, lets recap.

  1. Font size and style and color (or colour, if you are from across the pond)
  2. Bullits
  3. Pictures
  4. Tables
  6. Hyperlinking

So it looks pretty robust.

I’ll test some more packages soon.

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