More Hengelo

Still more….

The food at the Jachtlust was great! I had a steak that evening that was great. I went to sleep that night with a very full tummy. I also fell asleep with the television on, which happens quite a bit with me. I woke up in the middle of the night to find what could only be described as… welll… I’m not sure what I would call it, but some sort of sexual live chat….

I changed the channel and there was a different kind of thing there too! Pictures of ladies with a bio of sorts and an SMS number. This was all very new to me. I decided to go back to sleep. Too tired…..

The next morning was turned out to be a great day! Bright and sun shining, a little cool, and I still had no jacket, but not bad. As we left the hotel, there were a couple of horses in the pasture next to the hotel, about 10 paces away. I took a pic of the horses and went over to the fence to see if they were friendly or skittish. Turns out they were friendly and happy to see people. I wish I had taken a couple of sugar cubes from the breakfast table, but alas, I didn’t.

Work was interesting to say the least. One of the sub-contractors was comming in for a meeting at 9 with myself and the engineers on the project. That meeting went pretty smoothly, or so I thought. We skipped lunch and continued working. I found that skipping lunch was common in that office. By the time we left the office I was very hungry, and Bob suggested we head to town and get dinner and a drink. Who was I to argue? He had the keys to the car!

We headed to town and found a place to park. Neither one of us read Dutch, which is what the parking meter was using to let you know how much parking would cost you. This could be a problem. We threw some coins in the meter and got the reciept for the dash. Off we went in search of liquid libation! Bob said he knew of a pub that had a great selection. I thought that was a little odd as he had only been there once before and only for a few days.

We wandered around looking for the ‘unknown’ Irish Pub and couldn’t find it. I really had no clue where to look, but I pretended to look.

We ended up going in the wrong direction, and stopped at an Ice Cream shop similar to the Marble Slab we have in the states. We asked for directions, which was not an easy task, as Bob couldn’t remember the name of the pub. We wandered off again. Finely in desperation, we settled for a pub that looked like it was going to suit our purpose. It wasn’t open yet. The Barman was kind enough to draw a couple of pints for us anyway so we sat and have a drink. We sat outside. I’m still without a jacket and the sun is going down. It’s getting colder. We finish our drink and off we go in search of food, or a jacket. Which ever one we could find first.

Turns out we were walking by the shops and found a store that had jackets. Very expensive jjackets. Way more than I wanted to pay, so we kept looking. Found another, same issue. Then another, and another…

Finely we ran across a sports/athletic store and found a flease zip up for cheap. I bought it and wore it out.

Next was food, and Bob knew just the place, which was good, as I was now way past hungry.

Again, it’s getting late and past time for me to be alseep. I’m traveling tomorow, heading home. I will try to write more while in transit, but not sure now that will work. You’ll be the second to know!


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