I am so bad

Like the title says….

I am so bad…..

At blogging. It’s been way too long since my last post and so much has happened.

I’m sure that my faithful readers will remember, I work overseas in the oil fields. This trip has been exceptionally long. I left home on August 15, and have yet to return home (83 days and counting). I did have a nice little break and ended up in the Netherlands working with one of the company’s vendors on a project that doesn’t seem to end.

The trip was wonderful, once my wife was able to join me. That seemed like it took an act of Congress to get approved.

Most of my time was spent in Hengelo, Netherlands, with a side trip or two around the area. Even made it into Germany once. I’ll have to blog about that later. Oh! Also spent a weekend in Amsterdam! That was fun too. More blogs to come on my adventures in the Netherlands.

Anyway, I’m really going to try to get better at blogging. I have several things running around in my mind, and I really need to talk about them.

It’s late, and I’m getting tired, so I’ll sign off for now.

And to my faithful reader…. I’ll be home in 22 days (or so).

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