
Hengelo was not exactly as I pictured the Netherlands to be, but it was picturesque…

It’s an industrial town, in the western part of the Netherlands, not too far from the German border. My colleague was pretty much in charge of “Operation Vendor”, as I was the technical liaison on the team. Meaning, I was the programmer that was sent to make sure the vendor coded things properly.

We arrived at the train station in Hengelo and grabbed a taxi to take us to the vendors office. Bob had been there before and knew the way, so when the taxi driver started off in the wrong direction, he asked if he was sure this was the way, as he didn’t remember going this way last month. The driver responded by saying it was the scenic route. Then we were promptly stuck behind a large truck which was unloading to a shop. The streets are narrow and there was no passage beside the truck so we had to back up and go a different scenic route.

Once at the office, we were greeted by our ‘host’ and shown to an office. The office they set up for us was a storage area, now equipped with two folding tables and two chairs. Not quite the productive office environment, but it would do for the time that we were there.

Most of the engineers there were just that. Engineers. For those of you who know one (or two) you know what I’m talking about. For those of you who have never had the pleasure of meeting an engineer, let me explain. Well…..

I don’t seem to be able to find the right description. Guess that’s because I am one. Ask my wife, she can explain.

The two project secretaries were introduced to us and we were told that they would be able to assist us with what we needed. And believe it or not, they were very efficient at their jobs. And good looking!

A rental car was delivered for us and Bob and I finished out the day. Neither one of us was familiar with the area enough to find the hotel that was booked for us, so one of the ladies offered to lead us to the hotel, as she was going home that way.

The Jachtlust was in another town about 25 minutes away, through winding roads, mostly narrow again, and full of bike traffic. It seems that the common mode of transportation is bicycle. I’ve been told there are more bicycles in the Netherlands than people.

Bob and I checked in and decided to eat at the hotel and turn in early. The hotel was a little less than I would have expected, no internet in the rooms, TV with 10 channels, and small rooms. Again, it would do for the time we were to be there.

Well, this one is getting long, and it’s getting late for me, so I’ll stop here and pick up another night, maybe tomorrow.

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